Microsoft and Warner Bros. managed to store the 1978 Superman movie on a quartz glass sheet the size of a drink coaster. (Source: Microsoft) The advantages over current magnetic tape storage media include greatly increased durability and longevity, since quartz glass can withstand extreme temperatures and does not react to water. Additionally, the glass sheets offer improved scalability and reduced maintenance, plus simplified data retrieval through femtosecond laser encoding and machine learning algorithm decoding. by Bogdan Solca, 2019/11/05Business Storage Digital data storage has come quite a long way since its early magnetic tape days. Floppy discs were essentially derived from tape, but they became extinct with the adoption of CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays. HDDs still offer the best bang for the buck when it comes to capacity and GB/$ ratio, but SSDs are quickly catching up and will most likely replace HDDs in the near future because of their reduced size and superior reading / wri...